Educational Resources

Shy Wolf Sanctuary provides a variety of educational opportunities for you and your students. We are available to visit your school, camp, or organization and share the importance of wolves in natural ecosystems, respect for wild and captive-bred exotics or staff can teach any of the lessons found on these resource pages. We are particularly excited to share our new Character Trait lessons with you. These come with videos about our animals and how they exemplify each trait.

Resources for Your Lessons

Our pages are organized by grade level. Please click on the link that will take you to either the Middle and High School Resources or Elementary Resources.

Each lesson is designed to address a specific Florida state educational standard. The standard and objectives are contained in the lesson descriptions.  Lessons are marked as to whether they require access to technology (digital) or are designed for students with limited access to technology.  

We are continuing to develop new content and will update these pages frequently.  

Middle School and High School Lessons

Wolf or Dog? A Lesson on Phenotype

Gopher Tortoises, Keystone Species & Symbiosis

Habitats, A STEAM Activity

Living With Wildlife

Senses in Animals

Elementary Lessons

Habitats – A STEAM Activity

Living With Wildlife

Senses in Animals