Rain was initially named Rakshaw and lived at a backyard zoo as an ambassador. Shy Wolf Sanctuary was contacted about re-homing her. Before we could get information, she was given to one of the handlers who, being 8 months pregnant, gave her to some friends.
Fast forward to now and Rain has been passed through several homes making her scared and less trusting. Rain is nervous, but is adjusting to her new surroundings, warming up to our founder Nancy Smith and a few other volunteers.
In March 2020, Rain was paired with Sukaii and enjoys having a companion! A few months later we rescued a young wolfdog, Whisper, who we did an introduction with Rain and Sukaii and it went great! It went so great, that we kept all three of them together as they formed an immediate bond. The three of them are nervous around newer people, so our visitors don’t usually get to see them. Rain is more hesitant with meeting new people, but once she trusts you, you will forever be her friend!
Sponsor Rain
P.O. Box 3032
Naples, FL 34106
Shy Wolf Sanctuary Education and Experience Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and all donations are tax-exempt to the greatest extent allowed by law.
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