

Artemis is a young adult wolf that was an owner surrender in August 2023. When she came to us, she was severely malnourished. She lived her life in a 10x10 concrete enclosure, and we were told that she had three puppies that perished in the Florida heat. She was covered in her own feces and urine, to the point where we thought she was red in color, after a bath we realized she has a gray coat, and the red tint was her own excrement. She weighed only 43Ibs, which meant she was severely emaciated – because of this, she spent four months in our medical isolation unit getting daily medications and a special diet multiple times a day. After our animal care team’s hard work, we were able to release her into an enclosure where she got to feel the dirt between her toes, play in a water tub, and scent rub on trees and foliage. We are working on finding a pack for Artemis to fit into, but until then she has her favorite volunteers that she likes scent rub and nudge. We are so proud of the progress this sweet wolf has made and look forward to watching her full personality unfold!

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