CREE – RIP 04/04/22

We have sad  news to share with everyone. Last night we had to say goodbye to our wolfdog, Cree.
Cree lived a long 15 years with us but unfortunately his body started shutting down. We knew it was his time as he became very lethargic, didn’t want to eat, and was having kidney and liver issues. It’s always a hard decision to make, but Cree’s quality of life comes first and we didn’t want him to suffer.
He lived with his life-long best friend Mia, as the two of them were rescued at young ages and placed together. Cree and Mia also lived with Bella the past few years.
Cree was very shy but sweet and loved to give kisses and scent rub on his human’s backs! His favorite person in the world was volunteer Michelle, and they shared such a special bond.
Cree touched the lives of many volunteers and loved a lot of people he trusted. He taught us that no matter what your past is you can still learn to love and trust again.
We will forever miss you Cree but we know we gave you the life you deserved with all the love you could possibly need! ♥️