


We were called in July 2017 to try and help a lady’s 9 year old female wolfdog. Her son contacted us because his mom had her posted on Craigslist and had stated she was considering taking Koti to be euthanized. Upon contacting the owner we were told that Koti was spending her time on a chain in the back yard because of a shared fence line with a neighboring dog and a fear of fence fighting. We agreed to take Koti immediately to get her off the chain and because she sounded like a potential ambassador animal for us. Most of our wolves and wolfdogs are too shy to want to go out for “meet and greet” events or presentations. Koti arrived fully vetted (extremely unusual) and quickly passed her quarantine period. We initially tried to introduce her to one of our younger males, Jasper, who recently had a spat with his former companion. We were hoping that she would be a calming influence on him. Jasper didn’t immediately take to her, so we decided to put her in the enclosure next to him with another senior female, Saia. As it turned out, Saia wasn’t meant to be with us much longer. For the last week of Saia’s life Koti, became a constant companion watching over Saia and closely monitored us as we helped Saia pass over.


Our hope is that living next to Jasper will let them become friends and we will eventually be able to create a new power couple. In the meantime, Koti is showing a real aptitude for greeting guests and a great potential as ambassador. We hope this lasts and that she loves going for rides and helping expand our educational efforts! The living next door to each other time worked and now Jasper and Koti and enjoying living together. In January 2018, Jasper decided he didn’t want to live with Koti anymore and she moved in with Bogie.